How to Drink Less & RECLAIM YOUR LIFE
The Confidential, Judgement-Free Drink-Less Blueprint to Return Your Power to You so you can live Happily Ever After!
A Shameless, Blameless, Alcohol Freedom Coaching Program
Mary drank every night.
She drank almost a bottle a night all by herself. And that was never her intention.
She knew that alcohol was interfering with her life, her relationship and health. She hated that she rarely made it to bed because she and the bottle fell asleep on the sofa. In the mornings she was either hung over or groggy.
Mary was a good person. She was very smart and had high morals, She held a highly respected position, she took care of her children and ran the household. But Mary felt 'out of control' and did not like that. She was embarrassed by the extra weight from drinking and eating the foods that added pounds but she did not know how to fix it. Mary admitted that she felt hopeless and was afraid she was spiraling down.
Mary meant it when she promised herself to 'Only drink one or two" she couldn't do it.
Today Mary drinks two glasses of wine a week. She sleeps in her bed with her husband. He is happy and so is she. Mary feels optimistic about life now. She sleeps better, her relationship is stronger and of course she is losing weight.
Isn't that what you want? A new lease on life?
Jack loved life. He felt like he was the luckiest man alive. He had a 7 figure business, a wonderful family and everything a man could want. Jack loved to cook, socialize and drink. And he felt like alcohol was the only thing that helped him relax after a hard day.
But it was taking its toll on him. Soon Jack was drinking every night. Jack made it clear that he did not want to STOP drinking. He just wanted to drink less, eat less, weigh less, feel better. Jack learned how to take being in charge of his life.
Tap into a Supportive, Uplifting, Cutting Edge Approach and Reclaim Your Life TODAY!

ACTIVATE Your 'Weight-Loss Super Powers'
This Weight Loss Program is for those who are not getting the results they want with standard diets. And especially those who can't stay on track and think it's their fault.
We help you tap into the conscious mind, the Subconscious mind and your Brain to Reach and Maintain your Ideal Weight
We use support oriented, evidence-based, cutting edge tools and techniques
LEARN THE KEYS to Conquer Cravings, emotional eating, social eating, eating from boredom, poor choices and overeating!
Lose Weight, Feel Energized, Gain Confidence!
Yet those keys are NEVER even mentioned, so people remain in the dark.
We want to teach you the missing KEYS so YOU CAN BE SUCCESSFUL!
Learn the Real Reasons that cause cravings and binges and hopelessness.
If you tried and tried and tried again but diets failed you then it's time to tap into your super powers.
Amy was a health practitioner. She understood everything about the body. She knew WHAT to do to lose weight and she was embarrassed that she couldn't apply what she knew in her own life.
It takes a lot of courage for a health care professional to seek help because society believes they "should' know better. But Laura understands that the subconscious mind runs the show and 'knowing what to do' is different from being able to do it.
Once Amy learned what was truly underneath her struggle and how to align her conscious mind and her creative mind, it was no longer a struggle for her to stay on track.
Isn't that what you want too?
Tap into a Supportive, Uplifting, Cutting Edge Approach and Reclaim Your Life TODAY!
Laura has developed her own program that teaches other clinicians how to work with couples and individuals to get to the core of the problem and provide fast results.

The Relationship Fix Formula
If you want to Stop the Madness but don't know how, this is one-of-a-kind program
will save your marriage!
We SAVE Relationships
Most relationship programs stick everyone in the same box with the standard relationship communication tools.
But that RARELY works because basic communication skills are USELESS when people are in crisis. When people are in CRISIS, they can't even have a normal conversation, because there is too much unfinished business poisoning their interactions.
John said tJane were in a bad place. They had already began divorce proceedings. But something made Jane want to give it one last try. They had previously seen 2 other therapists without much success. John said he was willing to attend a couples session with Jane if he could interview the therapist. Laura spoke with John individually, and then with Jane. They interviewed laura and Laura interviewed them. They both were willing to give it one last try, but weren't conviced anyone could since they could barely discuss things without arguing. They both said communication was the issue.
Laura quickly discovered that communication was the SYMPTOM, not the issue. It was part of an old issue that was tucked away because it was too difficult to address. That was the elephant in the room that was never addressed properly And that was the REAL PROBLEM.
That elephant created the lack of trust, lack of intimacy and lack of communication.
Laura was able to help them restore their marriage and use the past as a stepping stone to a better future. Because Laura is liscensed as a Marriage therapist, she understands the couple as a system, as well as the couple as two individuals. She understands how the subconscious mind dictates our automatic responses and she developed her own assessment tools that saves her clients 2 history taking sessions and helps her get results in a short amount of time.
After the FIRST meeting with Laura, John and Jane said what most clients say, We got MORE from the FIRST visit with Laura than in ALL of the visits with the others!
Are YOU Ready for RESULTS?
Laura was trained in the Gottman Method developed by Dr'sJohn and Julie Gottman.
Laura was trained in Emotionally Focused Therapy, developed by Dr Sue Johnson
Laura was trained in Prepare/Enrich Relationship Assessments
Laura was trained in DiSC Assessments
Laura was trained in Clinical Hypnotherapy, which looks at the driver of behavior (the subconscious mind)
Laura was trained in EMDR, Founded by Dr. Francine Shapiro
Laura has developed her own program that teaches other clinicians how to work with couples and individuals to get to the core of the problem and provide fast results.
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Sleep Problems & Sleep Solutions
Insomnia? Trouble Falling Asleep?
Trouble Staying Asleep?
Can't Shut Your Mind Off?
Need a drink to Relax enough to sleep?
Frequent Urination Get in the Way?
Pain Keeping You Awake?
Sleep is essential!
When your sleep is off, you're off. That's why people seek out Laura Temin for help with sleep. Laura has been a referral source for the Wellstar Sleep Disorders Center for over a decade, helping people sleep peacefully throughout the night without pills or gummies.
After a while many people find that sleeping pills, and alcohol don't produce the results they once did for sleep and they're looking for healthier ways to calm ther mind and drift to sleep.
Learn how your mind works so you can quiet your mind, and reduce the noise in your mind so you can drift off to sleep.
Sleep is natural to your brain and your body. If you cannot sleep it's because there is an interference. Let Laura teach you how to shut down the chatter and drift to sleep so you can awaken refreshed and ready for the day.
Laura has developed her own program that teaches other clinicians how to work with couples and individuals to get to the core of the problem and provide fast results. In